DSRF’s Holiday Marketplace

young blonde girl with Down syndrome wearing white sweater stands in front of Christmas tree, holding gift wrapped in white

DSRF’s Holiday Marketplace, featuring quality items made and sold by entrepreneurs with Down syndrome, returns as part of A Magical Morning (DSRF’s holiday breakfast, taking place Dec 15 at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre).

We are offering advance online purchase from some of the Holiday Marketplace vendors, including the Brownie Girl, CallanBalm, The Granola Kid, Simon’s Soapbox, and Through Andrew’s Eyes. Do your shopping from the comfort of your home and pick up your items when you come to A Magical Morning. (Note: tickets for the event are sold separately.)

If you’re not able to attend A Magical Morning, you can still shop the online marketplace, and pick up your order from DSRF (1409 Sperling Ave, Burnaby) on Dec 7 or 8. 

***Please note: shipping is not available; orders must be picked up either from A Magical Morning, or from DSRF on Dec 7 or 8. 

Click here to start shopping. Thank you for supporting entrepreneurs with Down syndrome!