3 balloons (orange, turquoise and magenta) with white DSRF icon on them, with details of DSRF's 30th Birthday Bash, April 13, 2025 (1-5 pm) at the Scandinavian Cultural Centre

DSRF’s 30th Birthday Bash

We're Turning the Big 3-0!

In 2025, DSRF is celebrating 30 years of serving the Down syndrome community. What better way to mark the occasion than to come together for a BIG BIRTHDAY BASH?

If you’ve been part of DSRF over the past 3 decades, we hope you’ll join us for fun and games, food, and memories. And of course, no DSRF celebration would be complete without an epic dance party!

The event will run from 1-5 pm and has been structured to allow guests to come and go for the activities that work best for you.

1:00 pm: fun and games, live music with Mike Dunbar
2:00 pm: speeches and cake
3:00 pm: dance party

There are just 175 tickets available, and we expect them to sell out quickly – so book yours now. If finances are a barrier for you to attend, please contact our events team: events@DSRF.org.

Share Your DSRF Memories!

As we celebrate this landmark occasion, we invite you to share your special DSRF memories. Click here to submit a video, photo or story.