The Growing Up Club: 1st Birthday

bald baby with Down syndrome wearing jean overalls, held by mom

Happy First Birthday!

As you celebrate the first birthday of your beautiful child with Down syndrome, the Down Syndrome Resource Foundation and Baskets of Love Down Syndrome Support Society encourage you to explore the following resources which may be of help to you in the next year of your child’s life.

DSRF Services

Speech Language Therapy (in person or virtual)

Occupational Therapy (in person or virtual)


Healthy Start: Preventive Healthcare for Children with Down Syndrome

Learning Strategies for Independence

Say What? Augmentative and Alternative Communication

The LowDOWN: A Down Syndrome Podcast

Growing Up Healthy: Pediatric Healthcare for Children and Adolescents with Down Syndrome

Express Yourself: Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

Let’s Eat: Feeding Issues in Children with Down Syndrome

Healthy Start: Healthcare for Children with Down Syndrome

An Introduction to Occupational Therapy

Learn at Home Lessons

Visit our Learn at Home section for over 60 DIY lessons in speech and communication, gross and fine motor skills, and much more


First Signs with Carina

Understanding and Expression of Language in Down Syndrome

Enjoy your next year as a family, and we’ll be back with more resources on your child’s second birthday!